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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Last blog entry

Well, time is out on the club for this year, as this is our last meeting. I hope you all had fun playing, talking, and writing about games - I know I did. Now, on to a summer of gaming!

For our last blog entry, though, check below, as no one commented on the "Big 3" post. Do so for those snacks!

And over the summer, if you play a new game, hop on here and leave a review so everyone else can see for themselves if it's worth playing or not.

Thanks - and happy gaming!

- Mr. M

Thursday, May 27, 2010

What do the big 3 need to do to "win"?

Only 2 more gaming club meetings left!!! I hope everyone's had fun so far this year; I've seen lots of good times had by many of you. I think we'll be back next year, too, so check in at the beginning of the year to see what's up.

On to today's blog - the E3 Gaming Convention is coming up. For those that don't know, this is the time of year when the gaming companies show what's in store for the upcoming year, as they try to gain some press and excitement for their company and product.

So, what do the big 3 - Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo - need to do, what should they show, that will make them winners in the eyes of gamers for this upcoming year? It's a tight race at the moment, and any big announcement could tip the scales for any of the 3 companies...

Your thoughts? What would you like to see - sequels, hardware, online, new systems....?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Movie > Games, Games > Movies.....

Lots of recent videogames have drawn their inspiration from movies, and vice versa. Resident Evil, Halo, Doom, etc. have gone from game to movie, and others - Iron Man, Transformers, Disney movies, etc. - have gone the opposite way. Which are your favorites, and which might work that haven't yet been made into a game (from a movie) or a movie (from a game)?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Videogames = bad?

Another common video-game stereotype held by society is that video-games promote violence - that nothing good can come from them, only violent, bad things.

I'm guessing many of you disagree with this stereotype - so, here's your chance to voice your opinions. What are three positive things that video-games bring to society? Basically, what GOOD are they to us all?


Oh, and a reminder - if you've played any cool games recently, please take a little time to create a review for the game. You can do so under the new "Reviews!" section of the blog - the format for the review is there, too.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Video Proof of Gaming Club's Vocal Talents! :)

Below is a video taken during one of the Gaming Club's Rock Band 2 it, Dan Enright, Adam Malcolm, and Cody Small lend their vocal talents to Journey's hit song "Don't Stop Believing."

This leads us to the following prompt for discussion: Many people believe that videogames isolate gamers, making them solitary, lonely people holed up in bedrooms and basements with no social interactions. What are your thoughts on this? Can you disprove this gaming stereotype?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What do you want to play?

This club is here for you, the Gamer - so, for today's blog question, what are 3 MULTIPLAYER games you'd like to see here to play? We might be able to get them if you suggest them!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Wii - gaming's biggest seller, or biggest sell-out?

Everyone knows about the Nintendo Wii. It's the best selling console on the market, and is in more homes than any other new generation console. But, many hardcore gamers are against it, saying that it's only for families and little kids. So - today's blog question: Is the Wii a "real" system, good for gaming? Or is it leading to the downfall of hardcore gaming as we know it?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Gaming Club Survey

Please click the link below to take our club survey - we have to get everyone to take it!!!

Gaming club survey!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I can't wait for...

There are plenty of great new games coming out for all systems - so, what 3 games are you most excited about, and why are you so excited for them? Give some detail in your explanation!