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Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Wii - gaming's biggest seller, or biggest sell-out?

Everyone knows about the Nintendo Wii. It's the best selling console on the market, and is in more homes than any other new generation console. But, many hardcore gamers are against it, saying that it's only for families and little kids. So - today's blog question: Is the Wii a "real" system, good for gaming? Or is it leading to the downfall of hardcore gaming as we know it?


  1. Honestly? Nintendo is just scrambling now. The Wii might have been a good investment if Nintendo had just gotten off their butts and actually made some original games instead of just remaking the same trio of Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. But it even fails as a system. Honestly,almost everyone I talk to keeps bringing up the crappy motion sensor.

  2. Ya sure the motion sensor thing is cool and all but the best thing the Nintendo has going for it is Super Smash Brother Brawl which is alright. But there are to many Family games and little kid games out there for it. Im surprised that Nintendo has been leading in sales for consoles, i don't see why

  3. I really dont like the wii its ok but i like the xbox 360 better thean nintendo. Nintendo dose not have good graphicks. and nintendo is not doing good. After THEY made mario they whent down hill i love mario.
