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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Videogames = bad?

Another common video-game stereotype held by society is that video-games promote violence - that nothing good can come from them, only violent, bad things.

I'm guessing many of you disagree with this stereotype - so, here's your chance to voice your opinions. What are three positive things that video-games bring to society? Basically, what GOOD are they to us all?


Oh, and a reminder - if you've played any cool games recently, please take a little time to create a review for the game. You can do so under the new "Reviews!" section of the blog - the format for the review is there, too.



  1. Video games increase your hand eye coordination, if it wasn't for this i would be in a full body cast :P
    Great stress reliver: this is good if ya had a bad day. get home and then bam have fun and u calm down.
    Flat out fun: video games build games and bring people togeather... plus it dont hurt that they are flat out fun

  2. Video games are both good when you are experiencing extreme boredem, and if you want to improve hand-eye coordination. Which they'll keep kids away from drugs if you all stay together in a group, it'll keep them away.

  3. video games often have historical events we can learn from they also provide a wider world veiw a video game can take u anywhere just as a book can. and video game systems themselves require technical knowlege that u learn by playing

  4. they help you learn diffrent things. two they also they give you something to do and it is fun. three they help you learn about wars in the past.

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  6. What up? how do you get good at MW2, If you don't have it?

    That is my only problem here!

  7. Some of the mature rated games will teach you a higher level of vocabulary, but they are pretty violent.

  8. Mike Puth: i believe they do show graphic violence and certain content that shouldn't be shown on certain conditions but it does have a mature rating so really its just the parents letting the younger audience obtain these games so...

  9. Video games can help you get anger out in ways that doesnt hurt anyone and is virtual. Video games also can make you use your imagination. and third video games help you strategist skills because you have to have strategy to win a game.

  10. video games r easy to play and inprove ur hand eye cordantion

  11. I think games are fine as long as you limit yourself to the time you spend on them.

  12. video games are not bad because its something to do in the spare time

  13. Video games are not violent there only violent if people make it. At least where not killing people and doing stuff.

  14. Video Games do not cause Violence, and Violent games do not encourage Violence, just like War Games do not encourage Wars, and how Mario Doesn't encourage you to become a plumber and squish mushrooms and turtles down in underground sewers. What I'm trying to say is, violence is violence, wars are wars, mushroom men down inside sewers don't exist.... Thank you.

  15. I don't think so... I mean just because I play GTA IV doesn't mean I'm gonna go UZI some random person on the street because they owe me money. I really don't believe they cause violence, I believe they help people cope with anger. I play Modern Warfare sometimes because I'm angry, and when I'm done, I usually feel better. I don't know. People have their own opinions and this one is mine. Tke it or leave it.

  16. LIES ALL LIES!!!!!!! do not promote violence, seriously if you think you can rip a man apart with your bare hands, take fifty bullets to the chest fall 50-60 feet without breaking a leg and not die. Then you have a mental issue to look at, it's not the game it's the person playing it. It can relieve you of stress when you have it (granted it might be the source of the stress sometimes...believe me i know) but it does relax people when they play them.

  17. video games increse your hand eye cordanation and every time u play them as much as u can, u and other people can get better at the games
