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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Movie > Games, Games > Movies.....

Lots of recent videogames have drawn their inspiration from movies, and vice versa. Resident Evil, Halo, Doom, etc. have gone from game to movie, and others - Iron Man, Transformers, Disney movies, etc. - have gone the opposite way. Which are your favorites, and which might work that haven't yet been made into a game (from a movie) or a movie (from a game)?


  1. i think video games that turn into movies are the best because then you know the video game is really good. i think one game that would turn out to a good movie would have to be fallout 3 because it has the perfect story to it.

  2. I think gears of war whould me a awsome movie cause it has a nice story. The movie people said they where thinking of it. But it whould be too gory.

  3. Honestly? Games should never be made into movies. They never get the plot right, or they completely ruin everyone's favorite characters. The same goes for movies turned into games. There's no point to them as you already now how it's going to end. And they never really put any effort into them, they're just using it as a way to milk some more money for their movie.

  4. I agree and disagree with Joe. Games should not be made into movies. Why watch your favorite game as a movie when you could just play it. But when it comes to movies being made into games, I think it's a good idea. You get to play your favorite super hero. Yes, games made after movies are usually very cheesy but I enjoy wielding the power of my favorite character or super hero.

  5. In my opinion Video Games into movies aren't that bad could be better but all in all tolerable (like the Prince of Persia movie coming out looks good but im not holding my breath) Movies into games that's almost never a good move, all the people do is rush out the video game when the movie is coming out so they can milk it for all it's got, now don't get me wrong the newish game AVP, (Alien vs. Predator for you people who don't know)that game wasn't that bad. But the Iron Man 2 game looks horrible, it looks like it should be on a PS2 or an old Xbox in this day and age they could do better.
