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Thursday, January 14, 2010

I can't wait for...

There are plenty of great new games coming out for all systems - so, what 3 games are you most excited about, and why are you so excited for them? Give some detail in your explanation!


  1. 1) kingdome herats 3 for xbox360 because they should not disk the 360 because its awsome.

    2)Mario for xbox360 mario is old school its the bomb.

    3)The legend of zelda for xbox360 its the best.

  2. 1. Dragon Age Awakening. Honestly, Dragon age Origins was just amazing, and since this is an expansion for it, I have really high hopes. That, and I would like to continue my adventures with my Grey Warden.

    2. Mass effect 2. Mass effect one was awesome, and I still play it to this day. And after hearing that they've gotten rid of the elevators and improved the combat, I just want it more.

    3. Knights of the Old Republic 3. If anyone has played KOTOR or KOTOR II, You'd know why I want KOTOR III. They may have been on the original xbox, but they were as close as you could get to a D&D style game yet.

  3. 1) Final fantasy 13. I love the final fantasy games because it has an indepth story line and i like how the new battle system looks.

    2) MAG, even though i dont have good enough internet to play it because it's only online multiplayer, it still looks awsome with over 250 people in one match...EPIC!

    3) Dante's Inferno, i played the demo and it was pretty good. Even though it's basicly a God of Rar rip off it still was a good game.

  4. Oh and who said that kingdom hearts 3 is coming on the 360, your wrong i'm pretty sure it's not coming on the 360 only the not saying this to rub it in or anything im just saying

  5. I seriously doubt that Nintendo would give up the licence to Mario and Zelda to Microsoft. And if they did, then all the damn nintendo fans would go to the 360 just for that reason. And then they would complain how it's not the same because it's a nintendo game on the 360. The same goes for Kingdom Hearts 3.

    So, in the spirit of being a gamer..... NO, none of those three would EVER be put on the 360.

  6. My three games would have to be Mushroom Wars 2. It's kind of like super chess with unit count. A fuse between chess and axis and allies. I also want to get KOTOR 3... if it ever comes out. It's the best star wars spin off ever made. And My third would have to be Motorstorm 3. Nitrous, Wrecks, carnage, racing with a twist.

  7. chris G says

    Halo Reach: because hey you cant go wrong with Halo?

    Left 4 Dead 2: 1 sentence. "Imma summon the power of lightning with my axe if only real people can use magic. Oh well i got my axe.

    Any shooting game with Natal: If it goes well the phrase i can pwn you with my hands would actually strike fear in people.
