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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wow...very interesting COD 2 article...

In helping students look at research paper topics (yep, seriously), I stumbled across this article...very, VERY interesting story about COD 2 and the ethics behind it...give it a read, leave some comments. Video games, my friends, are changing.

Check out the article here.


  1. where is the article mr.m????????

  2. CoD is very contriversial, exspeacially the russian airport lvl, To me its fun, to others its horrific and the realization that most of the game takes place on american spoil just amkes it worse for them. For 1 thing in my opinion people need to A) realize that one day an invasion of america might actually happen. B) It's just a game thats meant for our entertainment C) This game isn't have as bad as Left 4 Dead 2 where a trail of guts are left by zombies. Video games are certainly changing and eventually people will have to learn to deal with them or we will end up eventually banning all games

  3. I think hes over reacting with the air port thing. its a game yes its sad but its suposed to be, you cant tell me he/she hasent seen a saw flick and there not even animated. I do however agree on the slap to the face that is russias seige on the u.s.. the neuclar explosen roughfly 20 miles over certral america wiping out all electronicks in a massive emp blast, has been virtualy proven. i however dont belive olny 30,000 troops would be sent like in the game. Russia is a huge upincomming superpower and a potential threat if circumstances like in mw2 ever come to be and that sketches me out more then a little.

  4. Cods ok but i like GEARS OF WAR better

  5. Hogwash i say. Its just a game, yea some of these thing might happing in real life but that's part of life. Don't let one mission in a game ruin it for you if you don't like it skip it. it even warns you before you even get close to the mission that there is a graphic mission that might not be suited for some people and asks if you want to skip it. I admit i was a little shocked that Activision would go that far and make that air port level but i got over it because i knew it wasn't real. He just needs to realize that it's just a game not real life. Their computer simulations not real people. If you cant deal with it don't play it simple as that.
