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Thursday, May 27, 2010

What do the big 3 need to do to "win"?

Only 2 more gaming club meetings left!!! I hope everyone's had fun so far this year; I've seen lots of good times had by many of you. I think we'll be back next year, too, so check in at the beginning of the year to see what's up.

On to today's blog - the E3 Gaming Convention is coming up. For those that don't know, this is the time of year when the gaming companies show what's in store for the upcoming year, as they try to gain some press and excitement for their company and product.

So, what do the big 3 - Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo - need to do, what should they show, that will make them winners in the eyes of gamers for this upcoming year? It's a tight race at the moment, and any big announcement could tip the scales for any of the 3 companies...

Your thoughts? What would you like to see - sequels, hardware, online, new systems....?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Movie > Games, Games > Movies.....

Lots of recent videogames have drawn their inspiration from movies, and vice versa. Resident Evil, Halo, Doom, etc. have gone from game to movie, and others - Iron Man, Transformers, Disney movies, etc. - have gone the opposite way. Which are your favorites, and which might work that haven't yet been made into a game (from a movie) or a movie (from a game)?