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Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Come one, come all, to the spot on the Net for all that is video games. This blog is an outlet for a unique school-related group at Nokomis Regional High school in Newport, ME. Here's the setup...

We all know that video games are enormously popular - a multi-billion dollar industry that touches all areas of society, from film to books to education. It is that last tag - education - that ties in with this group, which focuses on everything about video games. Students meet once a week after school to do what they do best - game. It gets crazy at times, with upwards of 3 TVs, 2 projectors, and many systems going, but we have fun with it.

But this blog is an outlet for the other side of the club - showing others, including non-gamers, what gamers are all about. The group's members will post various things on this blog, from reviews of games to discussions of gaming tips to deeper, philosophical musings about gamers themselves. Anything and everything related to video games is, well, fair game, so hopefully you can find something of interest in this space, be you non-gamer, a newbie, or a gaming legend.

- - Mr. M, English teacher and Gaming Club facilitator


  1. complete rockband 2 set f0r ps3-100$
    3 ps3 sixais controllers- 120$ total
    3 xbox360 wireless controllers- 75$ total
    quad controller chrger ps3-20$
    360 charging station- 30$
    30 ft power cable( for mounting projector}-15$
    30 ft s-video cable {frome projector to systems}-2$
    Gaming camp chairs-7 for 70${}

  2. hey man you gotta get me on as a moterator
